Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Research Paper

Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design - Research Paper Example They have not been as effective as they should have been. According to Lawrence Fennelly and Timothy Crowe (2013), arguably, for the past 180 years criminology has failed to deal effectively with crimes because of its limitedness. The main focus of conventional criminology is on the criminal event, the criminal and the victim, it doesn’t incorporate other factors. All other factors like psychological, legal, social, biological and political theories revolve around the criminal/offender. The other myth surrounding the whole crime investigation is that human beings by nature are criminals, it is something inherent, only an opportunity is required (Fennelly & Crowe, 2013). CPTED stands out from conventional crime prevention measures because it emphasizes more on human activity than on actions. Law enforcement agencies, security and crime prevention organizations find CPTED to be more helpful than other processes as they help more in preventing crimes as well as improve the quality of life and achieve the objectives of human activity (Fennelly & Crowe, 2013). Oscar Newman and Jeffery C. Ray are considered somewhat of an authority when it comes to discussing crime prevention. Newman published his first book, Defensible Space, in 1966 and gave unorthodox methods for crime prevention by making the environment safer. He focused mainly on residential areas. Ray published his book in 1971, Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design, and agreed with Newman’s work in its core theory. There is a unison found in both the works of Oscar Newman and Jeffery C. Ray. Ray’s (1971) published work on Crime Prevention through Environmental Design introduced to the world a new way of looking at the world of crime. Jeffery took a step further than Newman as he shifted the focus and spread it on nonresidential areas too such as schools. By incorporating behavioral learning theory, Jeffery argued that removing crime

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